Articles Posted in DUI/OVI in the news

Presumption-of-Innocence-300x200Justin Timberlake’s arrest for DWI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) demonstrates the crucial need for the presumption of innocence in criminal trials.  Within hours after Timberlake’s arrest, hundreds of website pages broadcasted the accusation.  Many people, like the writer of this article, have already convicted him in their minds.  In court, the presumption of innocence is critical due to our human nature to presume guilt.

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Felony-245x300Patrick Mahomes, Sr. was indicted for drunk driving in Texas.  According to Spectrum News, Mahomes has two prior DWI convictions.  In Texas, a third DWI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) is a felony offense which carries a prison term of two years to ten years.  But what if a person is charged with a felony OVI in Ohio? Continue Reading

Toothbrush-300x185You probably have heard of the Breathalyzer, but probably not the Brushalyser.  Now you have.  The Brushalyser is at the intersection of oral hygiene and traffic safety:  it’s a toothbrush which doubles as a portable breath alcohol test.  But should you rely on your toothbrush to determine whether it’s safe for you to drive?

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Driver-on-Phone-300x200A recent study by Lending Tree addressed the generational differences in bad driving.  The study analyzed the rates of driving incidents in four categories among five generations:  Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation.  The study report explains Generation Z has the worst rates among all generations for all categories.

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Gun-in-Car-300x210Muhammad Wilkerson, former defensive end for the New York Jets, was arrested for Operating a Vehicle under the Influence and Unlawful Possession of a Loaded handgun.  Wilkerson’s arrest occurred in New Jersey.  If Wilkerson were arrested for these offenses in Ohio, he would be charged with OVI and Improperly Handling Firearms in a Motor Vehicle.  This article describes the elements, court process, and potential penalties for these offenses in Ohio.

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Drive-Sober-300x156Christmas and New Year’s Eve are the most-celebrated holidays in the United States.  During the winter holiday season, people attend more work parties, family functions, and other social events than any other time of the year.  After attending those events, people need a way to get home.  Most of them drive, and some of them drive under the influence.  The government knows this, so DUI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) enforcement is intensified during this time of the year.

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Marijuana-and-key-300x190As of today, recreational marijuana use is legal in Ohio.  What is not legal is operating a vehicle under the influence of marijuana.  Ohio has five laws related to cannabis and cars, and those laws remain unaffected by Ohio’s legalization of recreational marijuana.

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Driving-Test-300x200The Chikushino Police Department has a program in which driving instructors test the driving skills of volunteers who are under the influence of alcohol.  According to a CNN article, testing impaired drivers is part of a drunk driving awareness campaign.  In Ohio, we do not use drunk driving exams to determine if drivers are impaired by alcohol or drugs.  Instead, we use field sobriety tests and blood/breath/urine tests.  Those tests are circumstantial evidence that a person was operating a vehicle under the influence.

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Mens-Rea-300x225After a domestic dispute, an Ohio woman intentionally hit a man with her car and was charged with Aggravated Vehicular Assault.  According to a recent story by WHOTV7, the woman drove her SUV over a sidewalk and into a yard to hit the man.  That does sound intentional.  When it comes to vehicular crimes in Ohio, is intent necessary?

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Driving-Fast-at-Night-300x200A police officer was recently charged with DUI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) and Fleeing the Scene of an Accident.  According to News 13 in Myrtle Beach, the officer is a sergeant who serves as the supervisor of the traffic division.  In our OVI defense practice, we have represented clients suspected of OVI and Failure to Stop After Accident (commonly called ‘Hit-Skip’).  In some cases, the driver is charged only with Hit-Skip.  In other cases, the driver is charged with both Hit-Skip and OVI.  Drivers in those situations also face the possibility of being charged with felony offenses.

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