
Autumnal Ohio D.U.I. Crackdown

It’s hard to believe that time of year is here already. Kids are going back to school, the leaves will soon be changing colors, and law enforcement is cracking down on D.U.I./O.V.I. in the Columbus, Ohio area.

This weekend in central Ohio, officers are operating four D.U.I. checkpoints. One checkpoint will be on Sawmill Road north of 270, and another will be on Refugee Road west of Hamilton Road. The other two roadblocks will be in Washington Courthouse and Logan. In addition to the sobriety checkpoints, officers will be conducting ‘saturation patrols’ in areas with the highest occurrence of alcohol-related crashes.

If a driver is stopped at a D.U.I. roadblock, officers may ask the driver to take field sobriety tests and a breath test. The officers may charge the driver with O.V.I. and may also immediately impose an Administrative LicenseSuspension.

The most recent checkpoint in central Ohio was on August 21, 2011 on West Broad Street. That evening, 157 vehicles were checked, and five drivers were arrested for O.V.I. That means about three percent of the drivers were suspected of being under the influence, and the other 97% were just hassled. However, according to NBC4i, a corporal with the Franklin County D.U.I. Task Force says the increased checkpoints have been ‘very successful’.

Successful or not, we can anticipate the annual increase in D.U.I. checkpoints will continue, as next weekend is Labor Day. Drive safely.

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